Our Vision, Mission and Motivation
Our Vision
The vision of My Home in Africa together with its Strategic Partners is to be the African Continent’s trailblazers in the delivery of a range of high quality affordable housing commensurate with local needs and affordability constraints while taking into account important family and cultural considerations, regional characteristics and energy and water economies while offering owners unprecedented value for money.
Our Mission
My Home in Africa together with its Partners will provide in their respective country one stop, holistic, fully integrated, all-inclusive solutions to home buyers be they individuals, families or groups, covering every aspect of the planning, procurement and delivery processes that will meet their particular needs and expectations.
Our Motivation
My Home in Africa is an independent African owned and managed entity that will operate on sound commercial principles generating sufficient income that will enable it to provide a high level of services while ensuring an appropriate return on investment to its shareholders.
As part of our strategy, we have adopted a unique approach regarding local needs and characteristics, planning, design, procurement and construction that takes into account issues that are of vital concern to our customers and local communities that are seldom adequately considered by other housing companies.